Well, readers, we now have a date for the launch of
Once Were Radicals: My Years As A Teenage Islamo-fascist. The launch date is
4 May 2009. The book will be launched
in the heart of Auburn, a place where the author once lived and worked and even ran as an endorsed Liberal Party candidate in a federal election.
We even have someone to launch the event. However, at this stage we don't wish to reveal too much about that person. We can, however, provide you with the following two clues ...
1. This person defeated the author in the 2001 Federal Election by around 14,000 votes; and
2. This person very very closely resembles the chap featured below ...

Apart from that, there's not much we can tell you at this stage. Further details will be released anon.
UPDATE I: The launch will now be held in the suburb next door to Auburn. More details soonish.